It Feels Great To Accomplish ….

It Feels Great To Accomplish ….

Something that you set out to do, I rarely have this feeling as I start so many things and never finish them or take years to do so. While my eating problems have been both good and bad, ive  finished a few things that I started long ago. When I was young we instead of having photos we had slides, ive been meaning to scan them onto my PC for three years, it took me two hours to get it done (what was stopping me from doing it years ago?)

Ive been saying I was going to get my learners permit for many years, but I blamed not being able to study for not doing it. I started studying five days ago, I went for the test today and aced it. These things that I failed at beforehand kept going through my mind and I kept telling myself that I never follow through with anything so why bother trying

Now im looking forward to learning to drive and now that im able to walk again I want to get my health in order, my binges are few and far between but exercise helps in keeping me sane,I never realised how much it helped until I wasnt allowed to walk for two months

I have a hangover from my last binge, but im looking forward to the challenge and see if my brain is going to work with me this time with my health .. ive decided to try harder this time

Happy New Year, looking forward to see what I can accomplish in 2015

13 responses »

  1. Congratulations on getting your learners permit and for putting your photos on your PC. Yes it does feel good to accomplish things that we put off for so long and new things too. I am right were you are and I want to continue the good feelings. Thanks for sharing the hope.

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  2. Please let me know (let us know!) what helps with those binges…..I’ve been having them late at night. Not sure if it’s Seroquel-related, but it most likely is connected, as I never binged late at night before I started taking Seroquel.

    You might want to check out my post about exercise that I wrote for the International Bipolar Foundation – in the comments section under my post, I added the most important info!

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    • Thanks Dyane I will have a read, I only started Seroquel about 6 or so months ago so I cant blame it on that, Seroquel literally knocks me out not long after I have it at night. My bingeing is OCD related moreso but it isnt as bad as it used to be, I just need to be stronger and not give in as easily

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  3. You’re welcome! That makes sense about the Seroquel – I only take 25 mg now, so it helps me sleep but doesn’t knock me out the way it used to at 50 or 100 mg. (and I didn’t binge then!) Just like you wrote, I need to be stronger too and not give in – I’m happy as I didn’t do it last night! One day at a time (sorry to use that cliche, but it can be true! 😉 I support you!

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  4. I had an idea last night that I tried out. I usually take my 25mg right before bedtime. Last night, I was able to get to sleep without it, although later than I usually do with the Seroquel……..and when I woke up a few hours later (my usual binge time) I put it under my tongue and I didn’t binge (THANK YOU GOD!) The thing that sucks, though, is that I’m way groggier than usual this morning – yes, just from 25 mg. But it’s worth it because binging is so horrible.

    Thanks for your understanding & support! (((hugs))))

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